Private Featured Tours
Savannah has a vast and varied history. From her founder James Oglethorpe to Sherman to Forrest Gump, and all the characters and events in between, there is just so much to see. If you are looking for a private tour for just your group, we offer a few specialized, themed tours for you to choose from.
These two-hour, private tours are listed below with each description.
There is a two person minimum (but no maximum) for each of these tours.
The cost is $60 per person.
And if one theme is not enough, take a look at our Half Day Tour.
Tours are offered Monday through Saturday at 9:30 am, and 1:00pm.
And on Sunday at 9:30 am.
All tours will meet at Johnson Square.
(Reservations are Required)
The City Stroll
This is where we recommend you start. The City Stroll gives you a little of everything. We start with the city’s founding, then take you on a leisurely walk through some of the squares, all while discussing a little history, some of the homes, movies filmed in and around town, and any other topic that strikes your fancy.
All in all, this is the perfect way to introduce Savannah to you.
The War Between the States
Also referred to around these parts as the “War of Northern Aggression.” Cotton was king in the South, and Savannah was one of its largest ports. This tour will discuss how the nation became so divided along so many lines, and how Savannah participated and was affected by the events of the conflict.
Savannah Homes Tour
First, there were the original colonists, followed by those seeking religious freedom. Next were the rice planters and the cotton traders. Bankers and railroad builders followed. Each group brought in different architectural styles and needs. This tour will take a look at some of the homes that survived and are with us today.
The Half Day Tour
For those of you who really want to know more about Savannah, we offer you an opportunity to
combine two, or even three of our single theme tours into a longer one we call our “Half Day Tour”.
This tour runs just over three hours. Pick the topics you are interested in, and we will customize the
tour for you. This tour costs $90, and has a minimum of 2 people.