Exploring the Legacy of Girl Scouts in Savannah, Georgia
Savannah is the home of the Girl Scouts of the USA. Juliette Gordon Low was born in Savannah, October 31, 1860, she married Willie Low in Savannah and she died in Savannah, January 17, 1927, at the age of 66.

First Girl Scout Headquarters | 330 Drayton St, Savannah, GA 31401
The Evolution of the Girl Scouts in Savannah, Georgia
During Juliette's many travels she met Lord Baden Powell and Lady Olive. They were the founders of the Girl Guides in England. Juliette fell in love with this program and decided this needed to come to America. She contacted her cousin, Nina Pape and said, "I have something for the girls of Savannah, all of America and all of the world and we're going to start tonight." This program was directed toward girls being of service to their communities and their country while having fun and learning. The Girl Scouts began March 12, 1912 with 18 girls from the Nina Pape School, these girls were full of curiosity about what could lie ahead. Juliette had such a spirited nature their curiosity brought everything to life.
A Must-See Experience
The Girl Scouts began in the carriage house of the Andrew Low House, to this day the local Girl Scouts own the carriage house and operate it as a museum to honor Juliette Gordon Low, open to all every day and they sell Girl Scout cookies year round!!